I am going to keep the whole cross dressing/stripping idea on the back burner for another time later in the year. 

Instead, still looking at the theme of voyeurism, the viewer has to interact with the screen, the glasses and the headphones to view the work. But they are just shown 5 of the characters looking back at them, not doing anything or saying anything, just staring, each for about 2 or 3 minutes, why? Because essentially this is what we're doing through social networking, we're stalking, watching, peeking into the lives of others, without real consent. We are accused of 'Facebook stalking' in a joking way, but we are stalking eachother, watching eachother watching us watching eachother watching us.

I had this idea a while ago and I started working on a rant, a speech for one of the characters to say directly into the camera, so that, the first few are unaware they are being watched, the final one notices and addresses the viewer head on demanding to know what they are doing 'watching me watching you watching me watching you' though I will work on this some more. I want them to address the ideas of wasting time on the internet, talking but never talking, liking but not explaining what they like, poking but never touching ect... like a sick stalker and a voyeuristic pervert!
So I had the idea that when the virus is attacking Mia internally, it would be like Space Invaders, that simple classic game style, with both organic and digital elements as the aliens and Mia's face shooting lasers out of her mouth at them.

However, upon completion of the visual for this, I think Pac-Man would be much better...
(click to enlarge image)
I think this Pac-Man style works a lot better, although I have removed the use of computer components attacking Mia's head, I have her chased down by the biological viruses running on a loop. I have also edited the pac-Man game screen, adding circuit boards to give it a digital, inside a computer feel, representing the inside of Mia's brain.

So I'm going to do a video test of an idea I've had involving the habits and language of Facebook and the online world.
This is to see how it would look if we actually acted like we do online in the "real" world. I say "real" because as I've discussed, Facebook is just as real in a sense.

The idea is to have one person say their status - giving a boring update of their life and having the others comment like they would or by saying "I like this". I also want to explore phrases and language such as LOL (Laugh out loud).

The third image is an example of a "frape" which would also be included in the film.
So if Facebook is this extension of us and is treated as The real World by so many people. How about a film/piece where people can dive into other peoples lives and totally mess them up.

I could look at in what ways they could do this and the cause/effect ripple is causes. From simple things like "Ben is gay" or "Ben just shit himself" to extremes like in the article below.

As a film with characters it could be quite simple. 4 people, all hack eachother and don't see the repercussions until they arrive home? But as something interactive, I might try a few things, such as leaving Cara's FB open around uni and maybe at a couple of `internet cafes/people's homes and see what happens? See who is willing to get involved and what they write.