A spoof trailer for a sequel to The Social Network. My Favourite part is where they like things.

A social network prodigy discovers what the world looks like without Facebook brought to you by Nice Piece Productions.


Another thing that I noticed was the language used, I don't mean swearing, but the way we type and speak over the internet.
"ive seen ur ics again ur really attractive , lovely smile...
i wish i could say more but i m not frank with u , u wod feel bad may be
I hope u will be pretty from inside as well means ur nature, i assume u wod be kind and lovely...
and i believe kind and lovely meet same...
You can prove me wrong or right ..."

This was sent to a girl, the rest of the message is far creepier. But I am really interested to see how something like this will come out spoken. Due to missing keys, obvious problems with the English language, but also the shortening and text speak we use online. I think it could be quite funny, and with a conversation like this, quite dark.

I also like the idea of including when people accidently type a wrong letter or symbol, that could be it's own theme to explore.

wow wot a gorgeous pic

are you megans bf?

yeah i am but theres nothing wrong wiv window shopping is there.and wiv a body like that u cnt blame me can u?

EDIT: Read More

I asked some friends via Facebook and Tumblr to send me their stories of weird chat up lines they've been sent over these sites. The response was mainly from girls who have had some really weird and creepy interactions with men over the internet. Some of my male friends gave me some hilarious yet awful lines, so I have been sifting through to find some good ones.
One of the best I got was an obvious computer generated spam message (or at least I hope that's what it was) that or a very strange lonely man. I like the idea of having a can of spam as a profile picture, maybe with a mouth speaking in the MS SAM voice.

I'm Jeffery James, i am a single man who seeks true love. I glanced through your profile and i like it. I am hoping we can be friends so we can make up a good relationship perhaps leading to our marital life together. Would you be kind enough to get back to me so we can know more of each other.


Needless to say she didn't write him back.

So the feedback for the short talking tests was very positive. Surprisingly positive in fact. The problem with this short test was that it was a short test, and the script was very limited and simple, as were the actors (I don't mean they were simple) but it wasn't completely thought through.
What I plan to do this week is to try and write a number or short scripts and use more people. Each film will then explore a different theme surrounding Facebook and how we communicate. Then each theme can be explored without confusion and mess.
So I have some themes to look at and ways to explore each one. 
The first theme will be that "fun" repetitive side.
I want to look at arguments, love, adding friends, unfriending people, frape, noise, responses and others. But for this week, I want to look at friending and flirting.

People I spoke to seemed to prefer I keep it light like a bit of a piss-take, which is what it is, however I may explore some darker themes such as what happens to your FB profile when you die? Perhaps you become trapped in it?!

I also want to continue trying to explore profile pics - perhaps using live video and making people stand still in we

More to come.

I also want to build an interface which will be a mockery of FB, probably called Facespace... or Spacebook. Just to replace the blackness around each video and to make it a bit more obvious.
The beauty of this is that however I lay it out now, it can change and expand.

I know this blog seems all over the place, but it's going the right way i assure you.

We had an informal feedback session the other day, and the class seem to like the idea of a live performance piece than a video piece. They said that FB is too obvious and over done and they'd rather see something quirky and frantic.
The more I think about it the more I agree, though I am enjoying the Fb stuff too and plan to carry on with it.

So I continue to look at performace with projection and video elements. I've been working with another student on their project about appearance and make-up. This made me think of a way of mixing a few ideas I've had together. Looking at identity theft and having myself chase a projected version of me, trying to get back my identity which has been stolen.

This would also work really well as an interactive game. But requires a lot more research and thought.

I realy like this video, it's a selection from their Edinburough stage show. I love how they have 2 members and project another so it seems like they have 3, also how they go through a gap in the fabric, into the film almost. I'd really like to use this effect.
The first couple of tests have been interesting, but quite a lot harder than I thought. Making them in After Effects is a long and difficult process. But it looks really good. I need to build a sort of front so the screens are the same size and edit each piece as a scene and stick it together after.

In my second test everything went wrong, but that's not a bad thing. I found that the actors all said the wrong things and spoke over eachother or either straight away or after an awkward pause. This reflected FB in a better way I felt, a jumble of mess and noise, everyone saying things but not really saying anything worth listening to.
This piece needs to be a lot faster in pace, maybe a minute at the most, and very quickly go from a call/response piece to a mad mess of sounds.
I wish this piece had not taken so long to out together, it's boring and slow, even when they characters start to talk over eachother. I might do another few tests with it but I don't think I will carry on down this route with my project.
Comp 1 1
Here I played around with just simple Facebook phrases 'I Like This'. Although I don't think the piece is very good (it's just a test after all) after watching it on a loop for about 5 minutes, I did find that I liked it. So it has become a simple act of persuasion, which makes me like it a bit more.

If it was going to work it would have to be more people and instead of cutting and pasting I would have to time everyone's speech and have it all on one film roll instead of cutting it up.
So I went to visit Nottingham Trent for some performance/theatre lectures. The lecturer I had gone to visit was ill but I went to a couple of others. here are my notes.

So an advancement from this idea would be to use Crazy Talk a program for animator's experimenting in lip sync. I would use it for 'real lip-sync from text and audio' abilities and for it's 'real time face puppeteering' functions.
The idea being that I could take existing Fb profile photos of my friends or classmates, and using Crazy talk animate them to make them tell secrets or lies about themselves (in a nice way) but still exploring the idea that 'frape' is a form of identity theft.
The idea also explores the emphasize we put on the profile picture, and the way people strive to capture 'The perfect profile photo'. I would have the piece displayed in the style of a classic art gallery, with the films projected very large, on the wall, perhaps in a frame, so that the viewer has to look upon them as if they're a classic piece of artwork, referring to how we judge people on this one photo.