Here is a test, based on the 'Germinator' video previously talked about. It's simple and easy to make but I really enjoy it. This test was made really quickly and I used some free sounds to enhance it.
As I work with young people who have never made animations before I am really inspired by their work and the way it looks. It may not seem "professional" or tidy as such, but I really like the style and the way the process is sometimes shown (via a hand in shot) so I would like my work to reflect my feelings toward this 'chaotic' aesthetic. 
> A computer disk draw opens
> Inside are these germs looped
> A sneeze blows them into the streets
>They go into someone's mouth
> The camera pans up to their eyes
> Their eyes black out and then a computer virus is seen hacking their mind
> They vomit computer components - wires, circuit boards etc...
I've fallen quite behind here, these should be done by now so I'm stepping up the game. I'm going to get 20 people filmed and then I can always double them up but 20 should be enough to fill a screen nicely.
I've done a couple more tests. Firstly, Mia's individual face, I have purposely 'glitched' up so that it is similar to a webcam conversation over something like Skype, so that when she goes from staring to talking, there is a pause or a jump that looks, unintentional, but I have actually cut together.

A lively and creative experimental film about the preventing the spread of germs by controlling those coughs and sneezes. The film was inspired & sampled by a 1945 film made by the Ministry of Health from the BFI archive.

Filmmakers Aged 7-9

First Light inspires young filmmaking talent and is funded by the British Film Institute (BFI). 

I caught this animation at Animated Exeter and I really liked it. I love the mad, abstract, frantic style it uses, especially with the hand drawn germs that constantly move, change and grow.

Part of my scripts included a look at virus' and I think I am going to expand on this using animation rather than film, pixelation and digital 2d effects.


I've been having trouble with actors, time and locations recently. Actors have fallen ill before days when i needed them and the dissertation work got very in the way.
However I managed to get a few more test films done this month thanks to Clive and Mia. The first was looking at pop-up adverts on the internet entitled 'Sandwich Sale'.
We had a bit of a location problem, but as a test I've worked out where it needs to change to be better.
The film really needs to be more real, with better shots and editing. What I mean by real if with a sense of fear, confusion and anger from Clive character and Mia needs to be darker, with a sense of malice about her, so that the piece is actually quite dark.
Instead of just screaming, the character would have to exclaim more "shit! fucking... jesus..." be quite profound in their language.
The advert would have to stand there, staring displaying aggressive body language to get across the deliberate intrusion.