So I put together 9 of the faces into a grid and over lapped them so they all speak at once, what I like about this is how the viewer cannot really concentrate on one character but is almost over-whelmed by it all, trying tyo work out who says what, trying to focus on one or two of the faces but being drawn away by other people speaking and how some don't fit. I need to keep playing with these videos and how they speak, and whether they all need to talk or if some don't. I found that when the sounds were not sync'd it didn't have the same effect, I also found that the more faces there were the more mind-melting it became.

I need to work on video compression though and the size as this is causing it to look messy, which might be good but i'm still not quite sure.
Here is a test, based on the 'Germinator' video previously talked about. It's simple and easy to make but I really enjoy it. This test was made really quickly and I used some free sounds to enhance it.
As I work with young people who have never made animations before I am really inspired by their work and the way it looks. It may not seem "professional" or tidy as such, but I really like the style and the way the process is sometimes shown (via a hand in shot) so I would like my work to reflect my feelings toward this 'chaotic' aesthetic. 
> A computer disk draw opens
> Inside are these germs looped
> A sneeze blows them into the streets
>They go into someone's mouth
> The camera pans up to their eyes
> Their eyes black out and then a computer virus is seen hacking their mind
> They vomit computer components - wires, circuit boards etc...
Jamie Laughlin and Naomi Bajina (Brighton uni) act out Pizza and Sex for a first test. I am really happy with this film, I love how cocky Jamie is, his grin, the way he chews gum and is totally self obsessed, and I love how Mia umm's and comes up with multiple excuses to leave the conversation. 

I unfortnatly shot this on a 7mpxl camera so need to re-shoot it on a HD camera. I'm also going to have to use a microphone to get better sound quality.

 I also want to add more Facebook references, though not entirely obvious ones.
In the case of this film, when Jamie says "Yeah I bet it was" I want another character to come over, High-5 him and say "LIKE".
I also want Mia to have more excuses such as "My Dad needs the computer" and "I already have a boyfriend" as many as possible.

I am however very pleased with this test and really need to get more on the go.
Here's a quick video test where I have changed the design and layout of the profile picture itself. In the previous video tests I had used a straight on face shot, I want to start exploring the way the user is presented. In this clip, I have mocked the "photo in the mirror" profile photo. I'm also trying to keep a facial expression throughout, so instead of having a very straight bored looking face, having my tongue out so it's more of a "fun" me.
The first couple of tests have been interesting, but quite a lot harder than I thought. Making them in After Effects is a long and difficult process. But it looks really good. I need to build a sort of front so the screens are the same size and edit each piece as a scene and stick it together after.

In my second test everything went wrong, but that's not a bad thing. I found that the actors all said the wrong things and spoke over eachother or either straight away or after an awkward pause. This reflected FB in a better way I felt, a jumble of mess and noise, everyone saying things but not really saying anything worth listening to.
This piece needs to be a lot faster in pace, maybe a minute at the most, and very quickly go from a call/response piece to a mad mess of sounds.
I wish this piece had not taken so long to out together, it's boring and slow, even when they characters start to talk over eachother. I might do another few tests with it but I don't think I will carry on down this route with my project.
Comp 1 1
Here I played around with just simple Facebook phrases 'I Like This'. Although I don't think the piece is very good (it's just a test after all) after watching it on a loop for about 5 minutes, I did find that I liked it. So it has become a simple act of persuasion, which makes me like it a bit more.

If it was going to work it would have to be more people and instead of cutting and pasting I would have to time everyone's speech and have it all on one film roll instead of cutting it up.