Due to lack of time, it's been difficult for actors to learn the scripts off by heart, which is what i wanted, for everything to be done in one well times take. So Jamie had to look down and read the script a lot and do it in several takes. What I've done is layered these over video of him just staring into the camera looking bored, interrupting the viewers voyeurism, braking the 4th wall and directly asking the viewer why they are watching him.
I added a fractal noise effect in AE to create static like television interrupting a broadcast. I did this by importing the video into AE then adding a Fractal Noise layer on top. I edited the contrast, stretched it wide (9000pxl) and changed the time equation in evolution so that it is animated over the whole video. Then I've changed the fractal type to DYNAMIC and the Noise to BLOCK making it more computerized and square.
and After Effects to work with these face videos. It was a bit of a pain to work with so many layers in Premiere and a lot easier in After Effects. However I found it harder to compress them into a single file in AE...