A lively and creative experimental film about the preventing the spread of germs by controlling those coughs and sneezes. The film was inspired & sampled by a 1945 film made by the Ministry of Health from the BFI archive.

Filmmakers Aged 7-9

First Light inspires young filmmaking talent and is funded by the British Film Institute (BFI). 

I caught this animation at Animated Exeter and I really liked it. I love the mad, abstract, frantic style it uses, especially with the hand drawn germs that constantly move, change and grow.

Part of my scripts included a look at virus' and I think I am going to expand on this using animation rather than film, pixelation and digital 2d effects.
Other Notes:

- Present everything on 3 screens? On 'spy screen' put virus film, film of people interacting with Social network - explore passive use of Internet.
- Have an open FB account for people to 'frape' etc...
- A video of someone watching them

2 other screens - a face on each - they are having a disjointed conversation based on FB chat convos - where a series of information is sent and then answered, nothing like a real conversation - the 2 faces slowly become more angry as the language breaks down into nonsense.

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