I know this blog seems all over the place, but it's going the right way i assure you.

We had an informal feedback session the other day, and the class seem to like the idea of a live performance piece than a video piece. They said that FB is too obvious and over done and they'd rather see something quirky and frantic.
The more I think about it the more I agree, though I am enjoying the Fb stuff too and plan to carry on with it.

So I continue to look at performace with projection and video elements. I've been working with another student on their project about appearance and make-up. This made me think of a way of mixing a few ideas I've had together. Looking at identity theft and having myself chase a projected version of me, trying to get back my identity which has been stolen.

This would also work really well as an interactive game. But requires a lot more research and thought.

I realy like this video, it's a selection from their Edinburough stage show. I love how they have 2 members and project another so it seems like they have 3, also how they go through a gap in the fabric, into the film almost. I'd really like to use this effect.

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