and After Effects to work with these face videos. It was a bit of a pain to work with so many layers in Premiere and a lot easier in After Effects. However I found it harder to compress them into a single file in AE...
So I put together 9 of the faces into a grid and over lapped them so they all speak at once, what I like about this is how the viewer cannot really concentrate on one character but is almost over-whelmed by it all, trying tyo work out who says what, trying to focus on one or two of the faces but being drawn away by other people speaking and how some don't fit. I need to keep playing with these videos and how they speak, and whether they all need to talk or if some don't. I found that when the sounds were not sync'd it didn't have the same effect, I also found that the more faces there were the more mind-melting it became.

I need to work on video compression though and the size as this is causing it to look messy, which might be good but i'm still not quite sure.
I am going to keep the whole cross dressing/stripping idea on the back burner for another time later in the year. 

Instead, still looking at the theme of voyeurism, the viewer has to interact with the screen, the glasses and the headphones to view the work. But they are just shown 5 of the characters looking back at them, not doing anything or saying anything, just staring, each for about 2 or 3 minutes, why? Because essentially this is what we're doing through social networking, we're stalking, watching, peeking into the lives of others, without real consent. We are accused of 'Facebook stalking' in a joking way, but we are stalking eachother, watching eachother watching us watching eachother watching us.

I had this idea a while ago and I started working on a rant, a speech for one of the characters to say directly into the camera, so that, the first few are unaware they are being watched, the final one notices and addresses the viewer head on demanding to know what they are doing 'watching me watching you watching me watching you' though I will work on this some more. I want them to address the ideas of wasting time on the internet, talking but never talking, liking but not explaining what they like, poking but never touching ect... like a sick stalker and a voyeuristic pervert!
I had to have a big re-think. Here is the result of that.