So I've been avoiding the 21st century the last few weeks and keeping away from technology. Which has been nice. It's been good to think about other things.
But now I'm back and have a million things to do and write about.

Live Briefs:
The video game is coming along really well actually. You can follow the progress HERE. Hopefully we will have a working demo soon.

I am also working on something quite hush hush for someone. If I pull it off it will be really good. More on that as it emerges.

I've been thinking about my Final Major Project lately, as I know I have to present an idea for it soon. I have written up some loose plans for it. I think it's going to be inspired heavily by Jonathan Hodgson's 'Nightclub'. A 2d hand drawn project. very vague and quite dark. I want it to reflect more modern clubbing experiences, experiences I have had.
I also want to break the convention of "acid trip" animation where everything is surreal and trippy and reflect a more realistic acid trip.

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