I get really into data Moshing and just kept on creating new variations with different cuts and effects created by looping frames and removing Image Frames.
Here is the final cut of Jamie's data-Moshed rant, with about 15 seconds of staring before hand, I've also included the same starring loop after but datamoshed it. This may change and just go back to the regular video so that it can loop.
I have also included some other tests which were just for fun and to get a bit of an idea of what i was actually doing. I love it when i get the loops right so faces spin and rainbows explode out of people in such a horrific way. I think what i really like about this effect is that we live in a digital age where everything is perfect, exact, timed and planned, and then we have this technique which is still starting to be played with and fully visualised which goes against that rule of perfection and control completely shattering what we've created.

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