I think these may count as a feasibility study. I have done a video test about Poking and about Friending, just very quickly constructed starring yours truly.
Poke Test
I think this, as with all of them need more people in different locations so I really need to get filming. The purpose of this test was to establish how difficult it will be to make this piece and how I go about making it. I like how it's like they poke each other and pass it down the line, and I also like the way I've organised the videos, different sizes and positions.

Friendship Test
I messed around in After Effects with movement with the videos which I want to continue to explore, I also looked at the requesting/accepting friends. What I noticed was that it seems more like an order than a question "I want to request your friendship" maybe it's the way I've said it but it sounds quite sinister and menacing rather than a friendly question.
Like test
I asked some friends to film themselves reading my script into teir webcams to get the feel of using the computer, and got them to send me the videos. I cut it up and made this quick test. It looks exactly how i imagined and i think will look really good with a lot of different faces. I plan to seperate the longer scenes with these short cut scenes.
What you'll notice is how confusing using so many layers is, especially with the starring. I made so many mistakes with the friendship test video because I put the wrong parts of the video in the wrong place. I need to find a way of editing the video more before hand so there is less editing in AE. I also need to focus a lot more on pre production so it looks less messy. 

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